It has been an amazing week. I called my sister on Monday. It had been nearly a week since we had last talked. The first thing she said was, "Where have you been?"
That is my sister. We usually talk every couple of days. We tell each other everything. We talk about our kids, our homes, our lives. We laugh, we cry. I live twelve hours away from her and miss her every day. She listened to me for over thirty minutes, telling her about my week. Then, my phone died. Arrgghh! Technology, who needs it? Well, at that moment, I did. So, I grabbed my other phone and called her back. This time the first thing she said was, "We sold our house!" "What!!!!!???!!" I yelled so loud, I probably permanently damaged her ears. She probably wanted to tell me quick before my second phone died. However, she managed to tell the story, amidst my whoops of excitement, of how her house sold, and they bought another house within a couple of days. God is so AWESOME!!
We have been praying for her house to sell for over a year. She and Joe live about 20 minutes outside of Rexburg, and believed that God wanted them to be closer to their church and their ministry. Their new house is four miles from the church. They also believed God wanted them to use their home for Him, they often kept missionaries in their house. The house that God has provided has more than enough space for them to house visiting missionaries comfortably. Did I mention that God is AWESOME?!
We sang a song in our worship this last Sunday that I haven't been able to get out of my head all week. I love it when that happens...
When I see the beauty of the sunset's glory
Amazing artistry
across the evening sky
When I feel the mystery of a distant galaxy
It awes and humbles me to be loves by a God so high
What can I do but thank you
What can I do but give my life to you
Hallelujah, hallelujah
What can I do but praise you
Every day make everything I do
A hallelujah, a hallelujah
When I hear the story of a God of mercy
Who shared humanity
and suffered by our side
Of the cross they nailed you to
That could not hold you
Now you're making all things new
By the power of your risen life
God is so good. Another amazing thing happened this week. We have been trying for a few months to make contact with and secure another lease from the landlord who owns the lot that we use for our Ice Cream Bus. We have experienced peaks of frustration that I never thought possible. Today was the deadline for submitting the lease to the Town of Canmore for development. This morning, as my heart began to admit failure, I bowed my knee to the only One who is powerful enough to create a miracle. An hour later, the call came in, they would meet with us this afternoon!
And, this evening, I am staring at our lease for the summer!
"What can I do but thank You, what can I do but give my life to you, Hallelujah, hallelujah! What can I do but praise You. Every day make everything I do a hallelujah, a hallelujah, a hallelujah."