Yesterday was Father's Day. Of course, I would like to say that I wrote this yesterday, or even before, however, one can't lie with modern computers these days. So, yes, I am writing a day late, one can never be late when publicly commending the awesomeness (is that a word?) of one's father. So, here goes....
One of the most difficult, yet joyous experiences of my life thus far has been the birth of my oldest son, Ocean. I have never been so afraid. Two amazing men were by my side when Ocean entered this world. One was my own father, who has given me more than my deserved share of mercy and unconditional love. The other was my husband, who although he became a father for the first time that night, stepped into the role as if he had been a father all of his life.
Ocean was in the hospital for six days. My dad was, well, my dad. He has never been an extremely emotional man, so I can't say that he cried with me, or held me. Not knowing was the hardest part, and still is with Ocean. My dad, in his own way, held me up. His presence alone, kept me from falling apart. I know that he hurt with me, that he prayed with me. And, he never had to say a word, I just knew.
Last year, we had Ocean tested for autism. I was a little nervous about meeting the developmental pediatrician. Over the course of Ocean's six years, he has grown increasingly fearful of doctors. I walked into the office, holding Ocean's hand, whispering calming words. Ocean immediately walked over to the doctor, put his hand on the doctor's knee, and smiled up into his face. The doctor picked him up, and Ocean began to stroke his beard. I was shocked. I opened my mouth, and I realized...Dr. Prince looked just like my dad! And, Ocean loves my dad.
I am so blessed. I have a personal relationship with my Heavenly Father, who loves me unconditionally, overflows with grace and mercy, and whose faithfulness floods my life daily. This awesome Father gave me an awesome earthly father, and an awesome earthly father for my son. Thank You!