Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A reminder of dangers...

A few weeks ago, I was speed-reading through our local newspaper. I speed-read for apparent reasons. It is no wonder that many moms are not diagnosed with ADD. Ok, see? I am distracted already. Anyhow, I was reading through the paper, when I came across an article that drew in my attention and my imagination. The writer was describing an event that had taken place a few days earlier in the town site of Canmore, 15 minutes from my house. No one had actually witnessed this grisly scene, but conservation officers, after a short investigation were able to piece together the events that had taken place.
They believe that a male bighorn sheep of considerable size had wandered along a cliff that overhung a large creek bed. For some time prior, possibly even hours, this particular sheep had been followed by an animal that is becoming more common to our area, and is causing some concern, the mountain lion. This mountain lion had tirelessly tracked the sheep for an unbelievably long time before making his move.
When a mountain lion finally pounces, it is with a deadly certainty. He will act with lightning swiftness, clamping its powerful jaws shut on the neck of the unfortunate animal that was his prey. He will then, no matter the injuries he himself incur es, will stubbornly refuse to let go of his prey until the battle is won. This particular battle was a fierce one. This muscular sheep was also determined to live, and would refuse to go down without a fight. He drug the mountain lion, possibly for hundreds of feet. The investigation found plants uprooted, rocks moved, branches broken where the two animals had struggled. As the sheep began to tire, he lay down and started to roll down an embankment, dragging the lion with him. The two majestic animals rolled for about forty feet before plummeting off a ten foot cliff into the creek bed below. The battle was finally won, and the lion waited until the sheep had drawn his final breath before he released his hold. Exhausted, he lay down beside his kill, while he tried to regain his strength. Generally, a mountain lion will drag his kill into the forest, away from any dangers that would interrupt his hard-earned meal. However, this lion, due to lack of strength and possibly injuries incurred from the long fight, left the sheep in the middle of the creek bed. He fed for a short amount of time before the rising sun, and morning movement in the town startled him away. A early morning hiker called in the bloody scene, and a few days later, the town and surrounding area read about the battle.
This was a reminder to many of us that we live in the Rocky Mountains, in the midst of a large wildlife corridor. We are constantly receiving warnings about the dangers that surround us.
That same week, a friend of ours, a girl that Blue went to high school with, contacted Blue about some work. When he arrived at her business several days later, she apologized that she wasn't completely prepared for the meeting. When he inquired, she tearfully explained that her husband, father of her four children, had left her. Her story was so unbelievably sad, and yet not so uncommon. We, as Christians, live in a very dangerous place. We are in the middle of an enormous worldly corridor. We are surrounded by danger, and many of us ignore the warnings that are given. Jesus warned us that we are to live in the world, but not of the world. He warned us that we have an fierce enemy seeking to devour us. Sometimes, in my comfy marriage, in my comfy church, in my comfy country, in my comfy life, I need a reminder of the dangers.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Abba Father

Last night we decided to go have dinner with our wonderful friends, the Genns. Kelly fixed a delicious dinner, and we were all sitting around enjoying a toasted marshmallow latte, when Forest came clunking down the hallway wearing a pair of shoes that belonged to Ella, the Genns' 3-year old daughter. We all laughed at him, he was so cute. Not even a moment later, he tripped. Now, all kids fall quite a bit, but he did this one right. Blue jumped out of his chair and ran over to him, scooping him up in his arms, groaning, "oh, no, Forest." I didn't realize what had happened, but when Blue turned around and I saw the blood gushing from his forehead, I realized that he had struck his head directly on the corner of the wall.
We all jumped into action, grabbing ice, cloths, and even the phone. The entire time, Blue just held onto Forest, kissing his head, and mumbling, "oh, buddy."
Josh grabbed the keys and he and Blue were out the door with Forest, trying to make it to the walk-in clinic before they closed.
It was disappointing to have them return a few minutes later, informing us that the clinic had closed and we would have to drive back to Canmore, 40 minutes away. Blue dropped me, Meadow, and Ocean off at our house, and he and Forest drove away to the hospital.
As he drove away, I stood in the swirling snowflakes and remembered the picture of him holding that little boy in his arms. He held him with such love and tenderness. And, the expression on his face said that he would do anything to take away his child's pain. As I walked inside, praying for my husband and my little boy, I knew that my Heavenly Father was holding me in the same way.
Forest had four stitches, and all reports inform me that he was a brave patient.
Thank you, Abba Father.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


So, a few months ago, I bought a cleanse. Of course, for reasons way beyond my control, I did not start it until February 1st. I am a bit of a procrastinator, I will be honest.
By the time I started it, I felt as if I had spent adequate time preparing mentally and physically. It has always seemed strange to me that there is a surprisingly enormous amount of mental energy exerted when denying the physical body something that the body truly craves. I do not recommend my method, which was to attempt to store up sugar and caffeine for the duration of the cleanse. The day before the cleanse began, I made a vain effort to consume enough sugar and coffee so that, presumably, my body would not miss it for the next two weeks. It did not work.
The first day, I jumped out of bed, eager to begin my new healthy lifestyle,ok, my new healthy two weeks. Two weeks will go by really fast, right? Some scrambled eggs, and a cup of tea, not my usual breakfast, but it would work. Lunch consisted of a large salad, with a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Dinner would get a little monotonous soon, but meat, veggies and either brown rice or a baked potato would have to do.
The headache that began in the early evening of the first day and lasted for the next several days, would often whisper in my ear that coffee was my friend, that sugar would make me feel better. But, my stubborn streak persisted and I made another cup of tea. By day four, I was certain that it was not in my family's best interests for me to deny myself any longer. To say it mildly, I was a little cranky. After a gentle reminder from my husband that the purpose of this cleanse was to actually make me feel better, I decided to...have another carrot stick.
By day seven, I honestly could understand how Esau felt. If I had anything that resembled a birthright, I would have sold it for a bagel, smothered in cream cheese, and large latte. And, is it possible to hallucinate from the lack of sugar?
Day nine dawned and I was actually feeling a little bit proud of my accomplishment. I wanted everyone to know about my cleanse and the great sacrifices I was making for the betterment of my body. However, as the last few days dragged by, I found myself spending a lot of time dreaming and planning my menu for when this ordeal was over.
One morning, as I was reading God's Word, He spoke to me through Ps 119:9 "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word."
It is a good thing to practice discipline in the area of eating. To deny our flesh satisfaction for any period of time will strengthen us physically and spiritually. But, how can we truly be cleansed of all that our spirits have absorbed from this world? By hearing and obeying the Word!!
The directions on the back of my cleanse recommend that a person do one of these twice a year. That is four weeks out of fifty-two weeks that I am denying myself all of the deliciousness that certain foods have to offer. The purpose of the cleanse is to rid the body of any toxins that tend to linger after the prolonged intake of foods that basically are not good for the body. It takes planning and a lot of discipline.
How many weeks do I need to deny myself spiritually of all that this world has to offer? How much planning and discipline do I need to rid my soul of toxins that prolonged access to the world has built up?

Friday, February 6, 2009


Just a few pics. Ocean loves skiing, and his instructor, Hannah, is wonderful. God has given us three beautiful children, and I am so thankful everyday to be their mom.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


"There is probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life." When I first saw this ad, being plastered on the sides of buses in Toronto, and expected to receive more sponsorhip for ads across Canada, I was really angry. However, as I allowed the thought to sink in, I felt laughter bubble up inside.
I imagined a plane full of excited passengers, on route from San Francisco to Sydney Australia. The pilot's voice booms over the intercom, "Welcome to our flight, we probably have enough fuel to make it over the ocean, so go ahead and enjoy the flight." I am visualizing that plane emptying out pronto.
Blue and I traveled to Asia quite a few years ago. I still remember the winding, mountain roads, the old buses, and the very capable drivers. I am sure that I would have reacted with fear if our driver would have announced that the brakes would probably work, so just hold on and enjoy the ride to the bottom of the mountain.
Probably. That very word screams of uncertainty. If I were not a believer in God, and I most certainly am, but if I were not, that word would cause me to have many sleepless nights. What if there is? What if there is a God, and He is the God of the Bible? What if He is loving and merciful, but also righteous and just? What if He is coming to earth again? A fool says in his heart that there is no God.
There is a God, believe on Him and He will bring joy to your life.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


My husband is part of a LTG group. This is a Life Transformation Group. Our pastor introduced them to our church quite a few years ago. One group consists of 2 or 3 men. They meet once a week, usually early morning, and ask each other some pointed questions. These questions are designed to keep each of the men accountable. It is a great idea and has had great success in our little body of Christ.
Over Christmas, we were discussing the group with my brother, who is a pastor down in Idaho. He asked me if there were such a group for women, what type of questions would I ask. My first instinct was that women do not really need such a group, they probably tend to share too much. However, I have been thinking about it for the past month and these are the questions that I came up with.
I sat down and thought about the areas that I am vulnerable, the areas that I could use a Christian sister to ask me about and pray with me about.
1) Have I allowed anyone or anything to take the place of God as first in my life? Exodus 20:3
2) This week, have I realized that God Himself is the fulfillment of all my need? And, in doing so, I have not placed pressure on anyone or anything to complete my needs? Phil 4:19
3) Have I served those around me, especially my husband and children, with joy and the purpose being to please God and not receive any benefit in return? I Cor 10:31
4) Have I been content with all of the material things that God has graciously provided for me? Hebrews 13:5
5) Have I allowed myself to envy the possessions or circumstances of another?
Phil 4:11
6) Have I allowed my mouth to be used for gossip or slander of another person?
Ps 19:14
7) Have I allowed another person to experience God's love through me? Matt 5:16
8) Have I loved the "unloveable" this week? Matt 5:44
9) Have I started my days with time, no matter how short, spent in God's Word to me? II Tim 3:16
10) When I am hurt, disappointed, or angry, have I taken my problems straight to the throne of grace, rather than to another person? Heb 4:16
11) Have I allowed my life, no matter what the circumstances, to be a song of praise to my God and my King? Ps 42:5

I must stop there, for I think that is enough to keep me busy for at least a day.