So, a few months ago, I bought a cleanse. Of course, for reasons way beyond my control, I did not start it until February 1st. I am a bit of a procrastinator, I will be honest.
By the time I started it, I felt as if I had spent adequate time preparing mentally and physically. It has always seemed strange to me that there is a surprisingly enormous amount of mental energy exerted when denying the physical body something that the body truly craves. I do not recommend my method, which was to attempt to store up sugar and caffeine for the duration of the cleanse. The day before the cleanse began, I made a vain effort to consume enough sugar and coffee so that, presumably, my body would not miss it for the next two weeks. It did not work.
The first day, I jumped out of bed, eager to begin my new healthy lifestyle,ok, my new healthy two weeks. Two weeks will go by really fast, right? Some scrambled eggs, and a cup of tea, not my usual breakfast, but it would work. Lunch consisted of a large salad, with a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Dinner would get a little monotonous soon, but meat, veggies and either brown rice or a baked potato would have to do.
The headache that began in the early evening of the first day and lasted for the next several days, would often whisper in my ear that coffee was my friend, that sugar would make me feel better. But, my stubborn streak persisted and I made another cup of tea. By day four, I was certain that it was not in my family's best interests for me to deny myself any longer. To say it mildly, I was a little cranky. After a gentle reminder from my husband that the purpose of this cleanse was to actually make me feel better, I decided to...have another carrot stick.
By day seven, I honestly could understand how Esau felt. If I had anything that resembled a birthright, I would have sold it for a bagel, smothered in cream cheese, and large latte. And, is it possible to hallucinate from the lack of sugar?
Day nine dawned and I was actually feeling a little bit proud of my accomplishment. I wanted everyone to know about my cleanse and the great sacrifices I was making for the betterment of my body. However, as the last few days dragged by, I found myself spending a lot of time dreaming and planning my menu for when this ordeal was over.
One morning, as I was reading God's Word, He spoke to me through Ps 119:9 "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word."
It is a good thing to practice discipline in the area of eating. To deny our flesh satisfaction for any period of time will strengthen us physically and spiritually. But, how can we truly be cleansed of all that our spirits have absorbed from this world? By hearing and obeying the Word!!
The directions on the back of my cleanse recommend that a person do one of these twice a year. That is four weeks out of fifty-two weeks that I am denying myself all of the deliciousness that certain foods have to offer. The purpose of the cleanse is to rid the body of any toxins that tend to linger after the prolonged intake of foods that basically are not good for the body. It takes planning and a lot of discipline.
How many weeks do I need to deny myself spiritually of all that this world has to offer? How much planning and discipline do I need to rid my soul of toxins that prolonged access to the world has built up?
1 comment:
A several day headache . . . this is always such fun.
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