Friday, September 4, 2009

Good news

What exactly does the "end of summer" mean? For some, it may be the returning to school, or the end of a vacation. For those of us living in Canmore, we are finally experiencing the warm, sunny weather that is associated with summer at the end of August, beginning of September.
The shorter days, and the changing of colors are vivid reminders though that fall will soon be surrounding us. No season is as short as summer up here in this wild northern land. We make every attempt to cram in all of the outdoor time we possibly can during these tantalizing months. We feel cheated if we don't soak in at least a solid week of good weather.
As I look back through the blurry window of time that contains my own summer, I cannot help but be thankful. I am oh so very tired today. We have worked hard to maintain the balance of a busy, small business, lots of family, and our dear friends, who have been so patient and supportive. I have to be honest, I sometimes did not hold up as well as I would have liked. I am a proud multi-tasker, and as the burdens and responsibilities became overwhelming, I would lash out at whoever or whatever was closest. I yearned to feast on the fruits of the Spirit, and have those fruits of love, patience, and kindness be evident in my life. However, the harder I tried, the more venom would spew from my spirit.
Our pastor has spent much time in the past year on teaching us to recognize the difference between the world's scale and God's scale. I realized that much of the time this summer, I was measuring myself on the world's scale. Dreaming of full nights sleep, consistent breaks from my responsiblities, or endless lattes', I would drag through my days, actually looking forward to the end of summer.
A visit from a good friend of ours sometime around mid-June was an unexpected surprise. Blue actually had the visit with him, and came home with a message: Hebrews 3 and 4. I have read them many times over the last few months. They promised me something that I greatly desired, REST. Our physical, human bodies need a day of rest. They need daily nourishment, and sleep. These are things that God encourages us to do for our own benefit. But, they are oh so temporary.
However, there is good news....He has prepared the ultimate rest, and he has set a time for entering this! And, this Rest? He understands my failings, my weaknesses! I can boldly enter this Rest, and receive grace and mercy! Thank you, Jesus, this is good news.

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