Have you ever met someone that life seems to just happen to? I have, I married him eleven wonderful years ago, and life has been happening to us ever since.
Our most recent run-in (hee! hee!) happened to be while I was down in the States visiting my family for American Thanksgiving. I always get a little nervous when I leave him, I don't know why, since I can do absolutely nothing to prevent these little episodes.
Nevertheless, I returned one evening to find my brother-in-law standing in the kitchen with a rather serious face expression. He quickly informed me that he was the bearer of bad news, and that my husband preferred it that way. I assume Blue was deducting that I would become slightly upset with this news. He usually is right, better to go through a second party. So, I listening patiently while Joe explained to me that the night before, while returning from church (that part must have been important), Blue hit a deer and believed our van to be a write-off. Ok, that is all right, Blue was safe. Unfortunately, the deer was in a seriously battered condition, or he would have made a nice addition to our freezer.
Sometimes, when these things occur, I wonder what God is trying to tell us.
Two days later, I return to find a rather curious message from Blue stating that if anyone wanted to hear a good story involving his truck and a Rocky Mt. sheep, give him a call.
Ok, God? You have my attention, what are You wanting to tell us?
Apparently,as Blue and a vehicle in front of him approached a full-grown ram standing on the road, something we do nearly every day in the winter, the car in front of him hit the ram. There was no damage to his car or to the ram, but the big boy was now very upset. As Blue tried to sidle by, the ram reared up on his hind legs and put his head through Blue's passenger window!!
I like Isaiah 30:21. "whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying 'this is the way, walk in it'."
I don't think God is telling Blue not to drive anymore, but I do like to know that I serve a God is going to guide us, and is not going to leave us alone to figure out our way.
Too bad it is too cold to ride a bicycle!
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