Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I was asked the other day if I still write. hmmm...so I sat down, placed my fingers on the keyboard, and stared at the screen. I know that I have lots to write about, but to bring those thoughts together into a comprehensible post is similar to the collecting of marbles after Ocean has had his way with them. I guess you have to know Ocean to understand that last sentence.
I last wrote in July, asking if I still write is like asking if I still shower on a daily basis or have regular dates with my husband or if my baby is sleeping through the night.
yes, but so rarely that when they occur, regardless of any other events that day, there is joy.
I've been busy, sure I have, hasn't everyone? I rush around, making my lists, running my errands, seeing my friends, chauffeuring my kids, walking my dog...and I realized that life changes. I am so glad that it does. I can't imagine doing what I do every day for the rest of my life.
The one absolute in my life, in my world is God. He tells me to "be still and know that I am God." In all of the busyness, in all of the craziness that is my life, God is there, and He wants me to stop, if just for a moment, be still, and acknowledge Him.

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