Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I must write about Gooey. He is a precious little eight month old boy. He has the most beautiful smile. He is sweet and good-natured. Even though we have only known him for a short time, God knew him before he was even thought of. God loved him before he was even conceived. God knew, before the foundations of the world, that "Gooey" Gus David Genn would be born with a heart defect. God planned, before any of us held Gooey in our arms, that he would have open heart surgery today. Surgery on a heart the size of a golf ball? Amazing, who can imagine. God can. Who can guide the hands of those highly trained surgeons? God can. Who can give peace and rest to anxious parents and loved ones? Only God can. Who can heal this beautiful little boy and cause him to grow into a man who loves and serves the Lord. God can and He will.

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