Monday, January 17, 2011


The snow fell this weekend.
The kind of snow that makes the loudest day seemed muted.

The espresso machine hummed happily with constant usage. The aroma of freshly ground beans filling the house with an aura, an essence of coziness.

The doors were shut to the world outside, not purposefully, for anyone who came would have been welcomed, and most likely offered an espresso.

Books came off the shelves in piles. Words streamed and hung around us, forming stories, fiction and non.

Games were played. I can no longer allow my mind to drift when playing my daughter, not if I want to win.

Pyjamas were worn until...well, the time doesn't really matter. We unanimously decided not to get dressed unless absolutely necessary, and it never was

There was the eating of warm soups and fresh bread.

Maybe next weekend, we will venture out, but, this time, for now, we are content to just be....

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