Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My God is a God of miracles....

I serve an amazing God. I serve the one, the only true God. My God spoke and the earth was created out of nothing. I serve a God who parted a sea for His people to cross on dry land. I believe in a God who incinerated a sacrifice with fire from heaven. My God healed the lame, made the blind to see, and caused the dead to rise again. My God is a God of miracles.
My God is the same, yesterday, today and forever.
For anyone who says that God does not perform miracles of that kind today, that is a bunch of hogwash, as my mom used to say. You see, I am asking God for a miracle, because our condo that we just spent a year renovating, has burned to the ground.


Tricia said...

Oh wow, we will be praying that the Lord shows Himself strong on your behalf.

undergroundcrowds said...

just when you're at the end of your rope, that's when He'll pick you up. Jesus is amazing.