Sunday, February 1, 2009


My husband is part of a LTG group. This is a Life Transformation Group. Our pastor introduced them to our church quite a few years ago. One group consists of 2 or 3 men. They meet once a week, usually early morning, and ask each other some pointed questions. These questions are designed to keep each of the men accountable. It is a great idea and has had great success in our little body of Christ.
Over Christmas, we were discussing the group with my brother, who is a pastor down in Idaho. He asked me if there were such a group for women, what type of questions would I ask. My first instinct was that women do not really need such a group, they probably tend to share too much. However, I have been thinking about it for the past month and these are the questions that I came up with.
I sat down and thought about the areas that I am vulnerable, the areas that I could use a Christian sister to ask me about and pray with me about.
1) Have I allowed anyone or anything to take the place of God as first in my life? Exodus 20:3
2) This week, have I realized that God Himself is the fulfillment of all my need? And, in doing so, I have not placed pressure on anyone or anything to complete my needs? Phil 4:19
3) Have I served those around me, especially my husband and children, with joy and the purpose being to please God and not receive any benefit in return? I Cor 10:31
4) Have I been content with all of the material things that God has graciously provided for me? Hebrews 13:5
5) Have I allowed myself to envy the possessions or circumstances of another?
Phil 4:11
6) Have I allowed my mouth to be used for gossip or slander of another person?
Ps 19:14
7) Have I allowed another person to experience God's love through me? Matt 5:16
8) Have I loved the "unloveable" this week? Matt 5:44
9) Have I started my days with time, no matter how short, spent in God's Word to me? II Tim 3:16
10) When I am hurt, disappointed, or angry, have I taken my problems straight to the throne of grace, rather than to another person? Heb 4:16
11) Have I allowed my life, no matter what the circumstances, to be a song of praise to my God and my King? Ps 42:5

I must stop there, for I think that is enough to keep me busy for at least a day.

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