Wednesday, April 16, 2008

To have and to hold....

Well, Blue and I are approaching our ten year anniversary in June, absolutely unbelieveable. I look back on the last ten years, and I see a lot of happiness, a lot of tears, wonderful memories, sleepless nights ( we have 3 kids under the age of 5), many adventures, but never, may I repeat, never have I been bored.
We are both in our thirties now, and we have, you know, the usual, a house, a car, even a dog. Actually, the dog came first. Life was simple back then.
I guess you could call us average. What I think makes us different is that most people at our age are settling in, content to do what they are doing for the next 30 years, maybe planning a trip, possibly buying some new furniture. We, the Falconers, are not doing any of that.
If I have discovered anything in the last ten years, I have learned to expect the unexpected and to embrace each new adventure with an open mind. I have learned what a wonderfully complex man I am married to. I have learned that to love someone enough to die for them is attainable for many people, but to love enough to sacrificially "die" for them on a daily basis is truly a miracle.
Most importantly, I have learned that my Saviour has given me all that I need, Himself. To demand that my husband meet all of my needs will only lead to frustration and loneliness. To perform acts of duty for my family out of neediness, in hopes of something in return, will only bring bitterness.
When I am walking in His Spirit, which is not worrying about how I feel, or how I look, or how can I control, I see myself as God sees me.
1) a child of God Rom 8:16
2) a new creature II Cor 5:17
3) friend of God John 15:14
How can I help but see my wonderful husband in that same light?
I suppose the long and short of it is that when I allow God's love to saturate my life, all that I am, how can I help but to rejoice when that love comes flowing out of me into the loves of others, especially the one I have vowed to have and to hold until death do us part.

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